Home » Insights » We have a vacancy for a Support Executive

5th May 2018 in News

We have a vacancy for a Support Executive

support executive

Do not apply for this support executive job. It’s highly unlikely you’d enjoy it

You don’t want this job. Trust us, you really don’t.

Because even though you’d get full training in customer service and website support, you’d also work very, very hard.

Why? Because we’re geeky web developers, with a busy growing digital agency. And we don’t have time for standing around, drinking tea and scratching our bottoms.

Instead we’re at it all day, every day. We work with businesses, charities and schools throughout Hertfordshire and across the UK.

What do we do? We support clients wanting amazing websites and digital marketing to grow their businesses.

That means our support helpdesk is inundated with questions, changes and new content from over 300 clients. See, we said it would be hard work.

And the work we do is only part of what makes us special. Our employees have to look the part, communicate professionally and of course pass the biscuit tinder test.

We suppose there are some benefits. We assume you know what a website is and if you do know a little bit about Photoshop or coding even better, but you may not have customer service experience (which is OK). In the unlikely event you did want this job (and actually got it), you’d work closely with our support manager, so we could make sure you got excellent training.

And after an initial 3-month probation, there’s a strong chance you could be awarded a permanent position as a support executive.

Plus, we might buy you a Costa Coffee or Dominos now and again. Might.

You’re still here?

Well look, if you are really keen maybe we should talk then. First, we need to know a little bit about you.

Just drop us an email and tell us a little bit about you, along with your CV. Tell us why we should invite you in to meet our very busy boss Louise.

Email: actuallyIwouldlikethisjob@indigotree.co.uk

If you really want to find out more then view our support executive job description here.