How We’re Using WordPress as a Headless CMS
The following is a transcript of the talk on Using WordPress as a Headless CMS, that developer Benjamin Read gave at WordCamp London 2018. The talk covered:
1. What is a headless (or decoupled) CMS
2. Why use WordPress as a headless CMS
3. Tools and process for building a headless site
4. A basic example and some gotchas we found
5. The Future is (probably) headless
Hello everybody, Nice to be here with you at WordCamp London.
I work for Indigo Tree based In Hertfordshire and we have been building websites with WordPress as a headless CMS. I am going to talk today about what that is and why we should consider working with it.
We are going to show you some of the tools that we’ve found amazing and a couple of examples of some things we have already built. Hopefully you’ll be inspired by what we have done so you can experiment with this way of working too.
First of all, what is headless and why use it?
1. What is a headless (or decoupled) CMS
Like you we consider ourselves professional developers, we really care about our clients and their users. So we noticed there was bit of a disparity between what website users want and what we could deliver. They want near instantaneous access to the content that our clients provide for them. This near instantaneous access doesn’t say anything about the kind of device they are on, where they are in the world, what network they’re on or what browser they are using.
We wanted to find out how we could best suit the needs of users in these situations.
There’s a couple of things that happen between when someone requests a website and some of these things are totally beyond our control. However there are a few things we can alter to improve the response time.
We looked closely at application run time. In any application the biggest bottleneck is with data base queries and API keys. This happens when a user makes a request to the site. WordPress builds that site, pulling all the data in from the database and the APIs and sends that to the users. That’s the biggest bottleneck we could control, and one that affects our users the least.
Is vitally important for our users to get the website they want in the shortest time possible. After about 3 seconds there is a major drop off where users will often give up waiting. That’s an important metric for our clients as well, not just for direct conversion opportunities, but because Google also uses page speed as a ranking factor to order their search results. Slower sites will likely be ranked lower in comparison to faster sites because they’re deemed to be less relevant to users.
After considering possible solutions, we decided to go with the solution of using WordPress as a headless CMS.
2. Why use WordPress as a headless CMS
We are used to this set up with WordPress, where content authors add their pages, blog posts, media, videos and products to WordPress and we create a theme to display this content on the front end.
However with Headless, we still have our WP site. It’s still hosted somewhere. We generally use WPEngine, they’ve consistently provided a great service, and their support team is very helpful. Recently, we were able to get SSH access into our servers, which saves us even more time. So now you have a separate website that is now a static site/html that is served elsewhere.
There are a couple of benefits to this:
- Our content authors can just worry about their content
- As developers it helps us worry about the data and the experience our users are having
As an added bonus there’s some really cool tools and APIs that we can work with.
3. Tools and process for building a headless site
WordPress comes with the REST API out of the box which is a great starting point, you don’t have to do anything to turn it on, its already there for you.
At Indigo Tree, we have extended that with a couple of things. Probably like you, we are using Advanced Custom Fields to add extra meta boxes and data to our posts. We use the plugin ACF to Rest API which adds the Advanced Custom Fields data to be queried in your Rest API.
We’ve been using Gravity forms on our static site so we can use the Gravity forms API to allow the forms to be show in the back end.
We also wrote a couple of plugins that I will get into a bit later but they really helped making our sites functional and dynamic even though it’s a static site.
We are still working on a solution that we like for our menus – we haven’t yet found a solution we’re happy with yet, so we’re hard coding them into our static sites. If anyone has any ideas please let us know.
That’s all we need for WordPress, here’s a few of the tools we’ve been using with our static sites.
Static Site Generators
Have you ever searched in Google for static site generators? There are hundreds for every language and framework you can imagine. There’s even one for VueJS that has just been released.
When we were looking at our clients and our use cases we asked the question, “which static site generator suits our needs best?”. And we settled not just on one but actually chose 2 that meet our different use cases when working with WordPress as a headless CMS.
Hugo is built on the GO programme language – it’s really really fast. It can compile thousands of pages of content in fractions of a second. It also has similar paradigms as WordPress. As a WordPress developer going into Hugo that helped with the transition a little bit, like post types and shortcodes. Hugo works well at what it does, but Go is a static binary, which accepts markdown files as it’s content and that is a little bit of an issue: WordPress posts are stored as HTML entities.
const wp = new WPAPI({ endpoint: process.env.WP_API });
const createMarkdownFile = (_path, data, content) => {
let fontmatter = `---\n${yaml.safeDump(data).trim()}\n---\n\n`;
mkdirp(path.dirname(_path), (err) => {
fs.writeFile(_path, `${fontmatter}${content}\n`)
wp.pages().then(data => {
data.forEach(page => {
let frontmatter = {
title: page.title.rendered,
draft: `publish` !== page.status
createMarkdownFile(`content/${page.slug}.md`, frontmatter, page.content.rendered);
To resolve that, my colleague Chris has written this function which is a Node.js script. This uses a few libraries and it gets WordPress data from an endpoint you specify, creates markdown files for each page, adds YAML front matter so Hugo knows what to do with, it and pops the content in as rendered html so we are able to get WordPress pages into Hugo.
The other thing about Hugo is it’s a great system and we love it but it’s not built to be extendable. If you had another use case that you wanted to write a plugin for, it’s not built for that. So we looked at another static site generator to allow us to extend what we are doing and adapt to our clients needs.
For this, we turned to Gatsby with WordPress as a headless CMS.
I have to admit, I love this tool.
Gatsby is kind of the new kid on the block, it’s been around less than 2 years and is currently approaching version 2. There’s a lot of cool stuff planned for version 2 that I’m really looking forward to.
Gatsby is teriffic to use in that it’s Javascript, so it’s highly customisable. It already has a good plugin ecosystem, it’s Open Source so lots of people have been contributing to it, and also it’s built on React. This means we can pull things in from the whole React ecosystem as well the Gatsby ecosystem — and because it’s JavaScript, anything from Node Package Manager can potentially be used in your gatsby project as well. And it uses GraphQL to query your data.
I’m going to show you a bit more about that before I explain what GraphQL is.
Setting Up a Headless Project
Say I already have a WordPress site and I am about to configure a Gatsby project. The first step is to open our gatsby-config.js
file, I am just setting some meta data here for display purposes. You can see here I already have the plugin – gatsby-source-wordpress
, I can just point it at the url and it knows the REST API end point, I can choose some parameters ie if I’m using https, whether I am on, whether or not I’m using advanced custom fields, and I can also search and replace urls. This is useful when a content author adds an internal link from one blog page to another blog page, in Gatsby you want consistent links and you don’t want people going back to your Wordpress site as this defeats the object. So we can use this to replace these URLs.
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
name: `Benjamin Read`,
title: `How We're Using WordPress as a Headless CMS`,
date: `April 14, 2018`
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-wordpress",
options: {
baseUrl: "",
protocol: "https",
hostingWPCOM: false,
useACF: true,
searchAndReplaceContentUrls: {
sourceUrl: "",
replacementUrl: "",
This was actually built by my colleague David Hewitt. This is one of the benefits of open source — we have actually been able contributed to this project and been able to get involved as a team to help both ourselves and the community.
Now we need to tell Gatsby what to do with it when the data comes in. For that we need to open the gatsby-node.js
file and add this code:
const path = require('path');
// Implement the Gatsby API “onCreatePage”. This is
// called after every page is created.
exports.onCreatePage = ({ page, boundActionCreators }) => {
const { createPage, deletePage } = boundActionCreators;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Remove trailing slash
const newPage = Object.assign({}, page, {
path: page.path === `/` ? page.path : page.path.replace(/\/$/, ``)
if (newPage.path !== page.path) {
// Remove the old page
// Add the new page
// Create slides from WordPress.
exports.createPages = ({ boundActionCreators, graphql }) => {
const { createPage } = boundActionCreators;
const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/slide.js`);
return graphql(`
) {
edges {
node {
`).then(result => {
if (result.errors) {
return Promise.reject(result.errors);
let i = 1; => {
const absolutePath = `${edge.node.slug}`;
const fileName = path.basename(absolutePath, path.extname(absolutePath));
path: i,
component: blogPostTemplate,
context: {
id: `${}`
We are creating each page and path and then it actually uses the GraphQL to query the the data from the Rest API.
GraphQL is a new Query language and we think it will ultimately replace Rest API in a lot of cases. The reason is you can do a lot more with GraphQL.
When you hit the Rest API with WordPress you get a lot of data. With GraphQL you can filter the data before you pull it in. In the example I only want to get the ID, title, content, date and slug. And I’m sorting by Content/Date and Slug.
I can do all this before I pull in all the data which is much more efficient.
With each result I am creating a page with my component and popping it into a template that I’ve previously defined.
import React from 'react';
export default () => (
The template is a React component, this is using JSX and it’s empty so you can compare with what we’re doing next.
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query SlideByPath($id: String!) {
wordpressPost(id: { eq: $id }) {
Here I’m adding my data to it – another GraphQL query this time for this individual post.
export default ({ data, pathContext, transition }) => (
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.wordpressPost.title }} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.wordpressPost.content }} />
Here I’m setting the content of the <div> and <h1> from the query. You’ll notice I’m using this function “dangerouslySetInnerHTML” — why is it called that? Remember, we are working with HTML here. Potentially there could risks involved with this. However, in this context its perfectly fine to use it, at least it gives you some warning so that you’re aware of the potential risks that involves.
import React from 'react';
import Styled from 'styled-components';
const Slide = styled.article`
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
> h1 {
font-size: 1.4rem;
&:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
color: indigo;
export default ({ data, pathContext, transition }) => (
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.wordpressPost.title }} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: data.wordpressPost.content }} />
I am adding styles here using styles components. This might be a bit weird to look at but once you start working with this structure it actually started to make a lot of sense.
The reason is, that if don’t want to have slides anymore, if I want to have pages for example, I can stop using this component, all the styles go with it, I no longer have the CSS lying around in my project, which is a performance benefit.
As a developer when I’m coming into this project after a break, I can more easily see what I’m doing: there’s my HTML, there’s my DB query, and there’s my style. I don’t have to worry about all the rest of the project I can just think about this component only. This has really helped me to speed up my workflow.
So that’s GatsbyJS!
Now lets see how we submit comments to WordPress from a static site.
Submitting a Comment with Lambda Functions
On our static site we have a form which submits to a URL where we have a lambda function ready to receive the data:
const request = require('request');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
let apiPath = process.env.WP_API;
// get the data from event.body
let data = event.body;
// check if it's base64 encoded. if it is, convert it to json.
if (event.isBase64Encoded) {
data = Buffer.from(data, 'base64');
data = JSON.parse(data);
// validate that required fields have been set and are not empty strings
if ( != '' && data.content != '' && != '') {
// if ok, then pass request onto wpapi
method: 'POST',
uri: `${apiPath}/wp/v2/comments`,
body: {
content: data.content,
json: true
(error, response, body) => {
if (error) {
callback(null, {
statusCode: 500,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
"message": "There was a problem posting your comment. Please try again later.",
"status": "error"
} else {
// get the response back from the api, and then send back some data
callback(null, {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(body)
} else {
// If data was missing, then return back a validaton error
callback(null, {
statusCode: 400,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
"message": "Some fields were missing from the request.",
"status": "error"
So this function runs on the server site, not the client. What is “lambda”? Its functions-as-a-service. Quite a few of the big providers have them now, Amazon, Google and Microsoft too.
You can basically post up this code and not worry about any of the server architecture, you don’t have to maintain it or anything. It simply runs this code inside a container when you hit this endpoint and if there’s a lot of traffic it’ll spin up a series of containers that will all run the same code to meet the demand.
This gets the data from the endpoint we specify, parses it as JSON, then hits our API path so the next time someone logs into WordPress, they can see the comment, approve it, and the next time the site is built, it’ll be displayed on our static site.
So you see, “static” sites, they’re not quite so static now, are they?! There’s a lot we can actually do, all without a server but still using WordPress as a headless CMS.
The reason that we’ve been able to do that, or at least something that’s made it a lot easier for us, is because of Netlify.
Netlify Hosting
Netlify is a great service for managed hosting of static sites.
We really love it. Not only does it come with lambda functions, but continuous deployment. This means that you commit your code to your GIT repository, and it builds the site for you.
Then, if there’s an error of some kind, it won’t go live, so if you’ve introduced some dodgy code it won’t break your site. Look at the error logs, fix the problem, do another deploy and this updates the site with the fixed code.
This is a very robust way of producing sites, we really love it.
There are a lot of extra things that Netlify have done recently that make it a cool service to use.
There are a few other tools in our toolchain because, of course, we’re not using WordPress any more—we’re just getting the content from WordPress. So there are a few things we need to consider.
Algolia Search
For example, we can’t use WordPress’ built in search function any more, so we’ve used a service called Algolia. It already has a WordPress plugin, so it’ll push your content up to it’s servers, then from your static site you can query that, change the URLs and have a search function on your site.
Algolia is a lot better than WordPress’ native search. It supports fuzzy matching for spelling mistakes, and weighting, so you can make one section of content more important in search results than another section.
Cloudinary Image Hosting
We’ve also used Cloudinary for serving our images. We didn’t want to go back to WordPress every time we had an image to display. So Chris Geary wrote a plugin for WordPress which uploads the folder to Cloudinary, which is propagated via CDN globally. It’s incredibly fast. This service alone has been instrumental in making our static sites as fast as they are.
You can upload files, it’ll serve the lowest file size to your browser, whether that’s PNG, JPEG, WebP or anything else, and you can specify an array of different image sizes and it will crop your images to these dimensions.
So thats our tool chain, a few of the services that have allowed us to use WordPress as a headless CMS.
Now I’m going to show you a couple of examples.
4. Some Examples
When I first built this site it was using markdown files for the backend. Then later I switched to using WordPress. Honestly, when I switched from one site to the other I didn’t even notice. I had to do a double-take, because nothing had changed! For all intents & purposes this was exactly the same site, just getting the connect from somewhere else.
This shows the power of working with WordPress as a headless CMS. You can switch your entire back end out, it’ll take less than a day, and nothing will change to your clients and the website users.
So if your clients come to you and want to rebrand, you can just build another static site somewhere else. Then switch the domain and still use the same content store without a hitch, and without any downtime.
Personally, I was amazed when that happened.
Live site:
We’re also building another site, which is going to eventually replace our current agency site:
Chris has been working hard on this. He’s a total performance junkie, I’m sure he won’t mind me saying that. We’ve been tracking how much the performance has changed from using WordPress to what the results are using static, and it’s quite dramatic.
This shows you some of the real world performance benefits of using WordPress as a headless CMS.
This Talk!
The third example is the slides from my talk! It’s using Gatsby with a WordPress backend, and uses a pre-written starter called “gatsby-starter-deck” to display that content as a presentation.
Here is the site:
4. Gotchas and Limitations
Has it all been plain sailing? No, we have encountered some issues along the way that have caused us to think and rethink what we’re doing.
First of all, this isn’t WordPress any more, and it would be difficult to even compare the two. A lot of the things we might be used to using aren’t going to work for us, or they’re going to be different.
A lot of the plugins we’re used to using just won’t work when using WordPress as a headless CMS. We have had some experience with the following:
- Advanced Custom Fields
- WooCommerce (should be OK, has API)
- Gravity Forms (needs lambda because private keys)
- YoastSEO – needs some customisation to be queried on REST API
- Shortcodes – extra markup OK, anything else, exercise caution
Other plugins may not work at all or have unpredictable outcomes.
Another thing to watch out for is that deployment takes time. When a content author writes a post, they can’t expect to hit the “publish” button and for that to show up on the site straight away. Our solution was to write a plugin that displays a button in the WP Admin Bar so users can trigger a deploy after they’ve finished editing their content.
But this still takes a minute or two to build the site. Content authors are going to have to get used to this delay when using WordPress as a headless CMS.
Encoded HTML
One specific issue that I encountered was when I working with encoded HTML.
import React from 'react';
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
export default class pageTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
const post =;
return (
<Helmet title={`${post.title}`}/>
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: post.title }} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: post.content }} />
You can see I’m using post.title
in the `<h1>` and in Helmet. Helmet is a tool that allows you to set metadata outside of your React component, for example the meta description or, in this case, the meta title. This worked fine until someone added a dash to the title in WordPress.
After that I had something like “my 𔌚 post title”. So my colleague David Hewitt and I worked on this solution.
import React from 'react';
import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
import { DOMParser } from 'xmldom'
export default class pageTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
const post =;
const dom = new DOMParser().parseFromString(`<div>${}</div>`);
const titleString = dom.childNodes[0].textContent;
return (
<Helmet title={`${titleString}`} />
<h1 dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: post.title }} />
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: post.content }} />
Here we’re pulling in this tool “xmldom” from NPM, parsing the title as a string, and then getting the text content from the node. This means we can now set the title as HTML.
So the outcome of our issue was successful, we just had to think around the problem. And although yes, this was an issue, it also shows the power of Gatsby. This isn’t a Gatsby tool, or a React tool; it was written by someone and put it onto NPM, and I was able to bring that in and use it on my project.
So those are a few of the gotchas we’ve encountered along the way. I hope that they help some of you out!
We’ve seen why using WordPress as a headless CMS is a good solution, how it meets a very specific problem: performance. But it’s more robust as well, you’re using two totally separate sites and can interchange them independently of each other.
This makes your site more scalable. Say you have a site you know is going to get a lot of hits as soon as the site launches. You can serve visitors a static site which is populated on CDNs all over the world. This will immediately scale up or down based on the users need, instead of hitting one server all the time, which could cause a server to overload.
We’ve also seen a few of the tools we’ve used to help use WordPress as a headless CMS, most importantly Hugo & Gatsby for generating static sites. These might not fit your requirements, but the chances are there is one out there that will.
We’ve also looked at Netlify to help us add dynamic functionality to our static sites.
We’ve also seen some of the other useful services: Algolia for search and Cloudinary for image hosting.
5. The Future is (probably) headless
So what’s the future going to be? It’s probably going to be headless. Who knows? But the fact is that our data is going to get richer & richer as time goes on, and user need will continue to diversify as they’re in different situations on different devices.
We can build for this future now by using WordPress as a headless CMS.
I hope you have fun working this way, as we have.
Leave A Comment
Wow. Why just don’t just place a good cache layer between frontend and the Wordpress ?
Hi Kévin,
Yes, caching is a suitable alternative and many times we’ve used that instead of this approach. However, at a certain point we felt that this was more suitable, due to a number of reasons:
1. It’s more flexible because of the separation between content source and display, at a future point we could switch one independently of the other
2. It allows us more control of the frontend code, so no plugins adding scripts or styles that would impact performance
3. Headless scales well with little or no effort, so if we had a sudden spike in traffic the site would not be adversely affected
We’re planning to write a more detailed blog post about these subjects, hopefully soon!
Thanks for taking the time to comment 🙂
This is pretty much exactly how i am doing it also, in addtion we are hosting the gatsby side on netlify with build hooks to trigger builds when content is updated on WP (which is hosted on pantheon). I’d like to hear more about how you are using gravity forms with your site.
So, the forms aspect of this was never actually completed, it was something we played about with as a concept, which theoretically works, but there’s no completed code I could share. It may be that we revisit this in the near future, at which point, it might be something we write an article about?
The idea was, all forms would submit via AJAX to GravityForms API… And fallback to Netlify Forms if JS wasn’t available. I can share with you some code, that grabs your forms, which you could refactor into sending a form submission.
Note, that there are a few ENV variables, for API keys etc that you’ll need to include.
Let me know if you have any other questions! I hope this helps.
How did u guys handle internal links. I had to point my domain to netlify and create a subdomain for wordpress backend. So now every time I link to a page, it points to the subdomain.
Gatsby is truly amazing though. One thing I would like to see from them: dynamic queries, so we can pass variables and create standalone components.
With Gatsby, you can search & replace URLs. This is actually a feature my colleague David added to Gatsby last year.
There is a an option you can include called
which you can use to search & replace any content, but mostly just useful for URLs.See:
You’ll probably want something like this:
I’m wondering if you had any trouble getting the correct url for your images hosted on Cloudinary. Did the URL in WP REST API pointed at cloudinary or the WP server ?
Hi Vincent,
The images pointed directly at Cloudinary, and not at our WordPress server. When an image is uploaded to WordPress, it’s uploaded to Cloudinary at the same time. The Cloudinary URLs are stored as attachment metadata, and then can be accessed via standard WordPress functions.
Sorry for the very late response to your question 🙂